Sign-ups for transportation requests have closed.
If you did not complete the signup form please contact your child's school.
Astoria School District Bus pick-up/drop-off times are available for download below.
Bus schedule changes must be made through your student’s school and may take 3 to 5 days to adjust.
Transportation Department Contact Information:
35062 HWY 101 Business
Transportation Director: Rhonda Hageman
Transportation Services will be provided for students to and from their school of attendance, consistent with Oregon Revised Statute 327.043.
Transportation Eligibility is based on the distance from a student's home to their school.
Distance will be determined by District Transportation practice, in accordance with Oregon Administrative Ruling 581-023-0040 (1)(e). "Mile(s) from School" means the distance a student lives from school, measured from the closest, reasonable, and prudent point between the school property identified by the local board for that pupil's attendance and the property where the pupil lives. The distance will be measured over the shortest practical route on maintained public roadways or over existing pedestrian facilities capable of meeting the requirements listed in ORS 332.405 (4). Online mapping services such as Google Maps do not measure the distance to the nearest accessible point of school property and will provide measurements that are significantly different than the measurements used by the School District.
All students eligible for transportation service will be assigned to specific bus stops for morning pickup and afternoon drop off.
For safety reasons:
Guidelines for walking distances to bus stops are:
A block is 1/10th of a mile, or 528 feet.
Some students may be assigned to stops that exceed these distances if local street infrastructure does not support school bus travel. Bus stops will generally not be placed in cul-de-sacs, dead-end streets, or on private roads.
Bus schedule changes must be made through your student’s school and may take 3 to 5 days to adjust.
Any change must be made through the school front office and be a permanent change (more than 30 days)
For student safety:
Please have students at bus stops 5 minutes prior to pick-up time.
Thursdays are Early Release days: drop-off times will be 1 hour earlier than listed.
Early Release starts – September 12th, 2024
Phone: 503-325-4550 Fax: 503-325-6110
Transportation Director – Rhonda Hageman rhageman@astoriak12.org
Dispatcher – Stacia Walter swalter@astoriak12.org
Mechanic Head – Wesley Patton wpatton@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Vanessa Ahl vahl@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Ann Bruhn abruhn@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Debra Christensen dchristensen@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Eugene Crist ecrist@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Darcy Cotte dcotte@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Rosanne Demos rdemos@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Roxanne Hartley rhartley@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – James Gillum jgillum@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Bob Johnson rjohnson@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – David Mathre dmathre@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Alan McMakin amcmakin@astoriak12.org
Van Driver – John Meiners jmeiners@astoriak12.org
Van Driver – Judie Norris jnorris@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – James Osborn josborn@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Matthew Russell mrussell@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Amie Saarheim asaarheim@astoriak12.org
Van Driver – Jan Snyder jsnyder@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Betty Vinsonhaler bvinsonhaler@astoriak12.org
Bus Driver – Nancy Williams nwilliams@astoriak12.org